Winner 2023 Ennillydd

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Announcing the award winner of the Gwobr Esyllt Prize.

Yn datgan ennillydd y Wobr Esyllt Prize

photographer Michael Matthew

Claire Mace

(Cymraeg islaw)

We are delighted to be working with Claire over the next 2 years.

Singer, storyteller, yoga teacher and Welsh language learner Claire Mace was born near Aberdeen and is now based in Bethesda in Gwynedd. She’s fascinated by old songs and stories and their power to help us find our way in the present time.

She wrote in her submission

“I have long wanted to create a storytelling show about herbs: to gather, process and interweave simple stories to illuminate women’s connection to plants, to land, to language.

Before the NHS, most communities relied on the healing qualities of plants to help them survive and thrive. Many tales of our relationships to plants rest in the seed banks of archives and folk memory”

and spoke of illuminating how women can reconnect with their birthright of healing power.

Mae panel Chwedl wrth ei bodd i weithio gyda Claire dros y ddwy mlynedd nesaf.

Ganed y gantores, storïwraig, athrawes yoga a dysgwraig Gymraeg, Claire Mace, ger Aberdeen, ond mae hi’n bellach wedi lleoli ym Methesda yng Gwynedd. Mae hi wedi’i swyno gan hen ganeuon a straeon a’u pŵer i’n helpu ni i ddod o hyd i’n ffordd yn yr amser presennol.

Dywedodd yn ei chais

“Dwi wedi bod isio creu sioe adrodd straeon am berlysiau ers amser hir: i gasglu, prosesu a chydblethu straeon syml i oleuo’r cysylltiad rhwng merched â phlanhigion, i’r tir, i’r iaith.

Cyn y GIG, roedd y rhan fwya o gymunedau’n dibynnu ar rinweddau planhigion i’w helpu i oroesi a ffynnu. Mae yna lawer o straeon am ein perthynas â phlanhigion yn gorwedd yng nghronfeydd archifau hadau a chof gwerin.”

a siaradodd am goleuo sut y gall menywo ailgysylltu a’I hawlfraint o pwer iachad.

Contact Claire Website/Wefan Instagram Facebook Twitter

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